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The Guttmann Institute is a non-profit organization whose main objective to promote, encourage and achieve comprehensive rehabilitation of people affected by spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury or other neurological disabilities, develop research and teaching in the field of neuroscience, and provide them the support and services most appropriate to achieve satisfactory social reintegration; and to contribute to the full recognition of their rights and actual equal opportunities.
Institut Guttmann has among its objectives to promote specialized training of health professionals linked to the world of Neurorehabilitation, while promoting knowledge of the techniques and experiences that promote health and quality of life of people affected a physical disability. Thus, since 2010 offers two official masters, those who have graduated 280 professionals from different branches of health:• The Master's Degree in Neurorehabilitation (120 ECTS), and
• The Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Neuropsychological and Cognitive Stimulation (60 ECTS)
One of the objectives of quality of our master is to promote and encourage the employment of graduate students, and this is why we designed this Job board, which aims to facilitate contact between professionals trained in this field of knowledge and business, or organizations where they are needed.